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Sundays Amphitheater


Sundays Sanctuary

6 + 6:30PM

Sunday & Wed. Nights Sanctuary

Upcoming Events

More Than Sunday


We have a full summer calendar for expansion projects at Calvary this summer! From bulk  furniture assembly to remodel demo, many hands will make light work! If you'd like to be called to help with summer projects at Calvary, please use the link below so that we can contact you. If you signed up to help us move-in, you’re already on our call list. Once  furniture arrives or remodel begins, we’ll reach out to see if the timing works for you. All skill levels are needed. Thank you for your help!

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School of Ministry

SoM is a ministry focused on building up the next generation of servants in the Body of Christ. Classroom time is dedicated to learning the foundational scriptural doctrines that will enable our students to be well-grounded in their beliefs and be effective ambassadors for Christ. Learn more and apply online @

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Small Groups

Many couples and individuals at Calvary open up their homes for midweek Bible study and accountability groups. We want to encourage you to get plugged in and join a home fellowship.  ​For a list of hosts and study details, visit the home fellowship page. 

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Know God | Know More

GOD’S PURPOSE FOR YOUR LIFE: PEACE, LIFE AND A RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM: You were made to have a relationship (fellowship) with God. God loves you and wants you to experience peace and life; a life that is both abundant and eternal.

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Weekly Devotions

Be Encouraged By The Word Of God "For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" Hebrews 4:12

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Lightning Bugs Class

Calvary has a "Lightning Bugs" Sunday school class for children with special needs taught by our trained teachers and helpers. They meet during our 11a service in room 201. If you are interested in this class for one of your kiddos, please stop by the ed building and talk to our Children's Ministry Director (Greg DeRoos) or complete the questionnaire form below so that we can best serve your family.

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