Looking for a place to serve? Service is a great way to get plugged in! From greeters to kids to joining an agape team, you'll find current areas of need below.
If you have any questions, complete the email at the bottom of the page.
Ranch Work Days
Bar M Ranch Volunteers are always needed. Complete the form below to join us! Jobs available for everyone.
Join an Agape Team!
Calvary Chapel's Agape Team seeks to serve those who are in need during a troublesome time. Alleviating a burden, whether great or small, in order to bring peace of mind or comfort to those we serve.
If you would like to volunteer and join the Agape Team, or if you have a need, please contact the Calvary office at 509 736 2086.
Areas of Available Care:
Agape Meals-
Agape Teams help with any food needs the church body may have. They may help serve funeral and memorials by laying out cookies or serving food.
-Agape Rides-
Agape Teams provide rides to church for people in our fellowship who don't have access to transportation that week.
-Agape Cards-
Agape Teams write notes of encouragement and sweet ‘thank you's’ to our church body. Cards may also be written to new believers, to welcome newcomers, those who had a baby or those in the hospital.
-Agape Service-
Agape Teams provide services on an emergency basis for those faced with difficulty in their daily routine, whether recovering from a surgery or illness or the death of a family member. Examples of service include: laundry, grocery shopping, light yard work, light housework and prayer/fellowship.