Through our relationship with Christ, we are healed, renewed, redeemed, forgiven, transformed and loved. So it is our passion to share this hope and faith with the world. We have several outreach ministries designed to open doors and help you take the first step in offering the hope of Christ with the lost and hurting people in our community and in our world.

You'll find Calvary's evangelism team meets locally several times throughout the year with the united goal of sharing the gospel and inviting our community to church. You can check back here for future team meeting times, or stop by the Calvary office at anytime to pick up church invitations for your neighborhood. Training is not required to join a team, we’d love to have you!
We also hold outreach services each year like Christmas Eve, Easter, Bbq/Baptism and Amphitheater Services and periodic Sunday night concerts in hopes that you can use the relaxed settings and service times to invite friends, family and neighbors to church and maybe even start a conversation about your faith. We want to encourage you to watch for these events and take us up on the opportunity. For more information or to join a team, please complete the email form below.