With current working relationships in Uganda and India and Italy, you'll find short term and overseas mission opportunities through Calvary at various times throughout the year. For confirmed outreach dates and information, please select a location below or complete the email form on the bottom of the page.
To donate to Calvary Missions, click HERE.
Hope Bringers Mission team is going to Belize this March. Join us in spreading the love and hope of Christ.

We are still in the planning stages of sending relief teams to Hurricane locations, and it would help us to know who is interested in joining us! If you're interested in joining or supporting an on-site relief team, register here and we will keep you updated.

INDIA ~ FOCUS in CHENNAI ~ Since 2007, CCTC has teamed up with local pastors to bring the hope and light of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying people in the country of India. Work has primarily been in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, in and around the city of Chennai. With over 1.3 billion people in Inda, where less than 3% of the population is christian, the fields are ripe and ready to harvest. After many fruitful and productive mission trips, we have seen great progress in the spread of the gospel and the growth of the church. Our mission is simple - to save as many souls as possible. We set out to accomplish this effort through three means.
First, to show genuine love and concern through a variety of mercy ministries. These efforts have opened the doorway into these precious people’s hearts, so that we can share with them the love of Jesus Christ. (James 1:27, Matt 34-40)
Second, to hold evangelistic crusades and preach the gospel to as many people as we can. We partner with local churches, who are instrumental in setting up all the grounds, staging, advertising, etc, and also for following up and discipling new believers. (Mark 16:15-18)
Thirdly, to provide training to leaders and pastors who will establish the church and continue ongoing ministry after we have gone. (2 Tim. 3:16-17)
India is a difficult place to be a christian. Immediately you will be considered the lowest caste. You will probably lose your job, your friends, even your family. Please pray for your brothers and sisters who suffer for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray also for the Calvary teams that go there, that they'd be anointed with power from on high, so that they may preach the message of the gospel with simplicity and clarity, and that multitudes would be turned from spiritual darkness to light.
Join an india outreach team!
For more information about this ministry and how you can support the ongoing efforts or join a team on our next trip, complete the email form below.

New Heritage Ministry started in the hearts of JB Too-lit and his wife Grace. God spoke and they answered. leaving his paid position as the teaching pastor at the Calvary Chapel in Jinja, Uganda, JB has moved his family to take the message of the love of Jesus Christ to the people of Pajule, Uganda and surrounding villages. The Acholi people are desperate for hope and live in a land that has been war stricken for over 20 years. They have been brutalized and had their lives taken from them by the LRA (lord's resistance army). JB, Grace, and their 5 children go to bring hope to their people through giving of themselves and teaching God's word.
UGANDA ~ NHM Christmas Project
Delivering packages and hope to the people of Pajule, Uganda. Several hundred families are prayerfully selected each year for sponsorship. Each sponsored family attends a service at Calvary where they are presented with the message of Jesus Christ and an opportunity to make Him their Lord. Regardless of their decision, they are given the gift packages sponsored for them. \
UGANDA ~ NHM School Sponsorships
It only costs $40 a month for a child in Pajule, Uganda to receive paid tuition, a school uniform, books, an age appropriate Bible, a mosquito net, a hot meal, tutoring services and enrollment into a Saturday discipleship program that offers further Bible study.
EMAIL nhm.ugandamissions@gmail.com FOR MORE INFO