1 chronicles
1st chronicles 1 "what's in chronicles" 01.31.18
1st chronicles 2-9 "the genealogies" 02.07.18
1st chronicles 10-11 "the examples" 02.14.18
1st chronicles 11-12 "mighty men" 02.21.18
1st chronicles 12-13 "doing the right thing the wrong way" 02.28.18
1st chronicles 13-15 "going to the lord" 03.28.18
1st chronicles 15-17 "doing it right" 04.04.18
1st chronicles 18-20 "god's faithfulness in protection" 04.11.18
1st chronicles 20-21 "victory over the giants at gezer" 04.25.18
1st chronicles 21 "relying on god? or on numbers?" 05.02.18
1st chronicles 21-23 "preparing for the work" 05.09.18
1st chronicles 25-26 "david organizing the kingdom" 05.16.18