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Thank you for visiting our website. as you look it over, I hope you’ll experience the “flavor” of what takes place here at Calvary. We’re not so much into church as we are into Jesus. Our fellowship is a family of believers in Jesus and His word and we’re pretty down to earth about it. I’d like to invite you to come out to one of our services and join us as we spend time with the Lord and seek to learn from Him. He has made it clear that you are important in His plan and we would love to have you explore with us what that plan is and join us in knowing God and making Him known.
We want to help you get to know God better by equipping you with His life changing word and offering opportunities to invest in others. By building relationships with like-minded people and serving with other believers our faith is strengthened and our eyes opened to more of God’s character. We hope you will find a place to get involved.
Calvary places great importance on the teaching of God’s word. Therefore, Bible studies taught at Calvary Chapel are made available to you in a variety of formats including studies heard on Crosswalk Radio. Crosswalk is a half hour program of verse by verse, chapter by chapter teaching by pastor Steve Whinery. You can hear this broadcast on several radio stations throughout eastern Washington or you can listen and watch Steve’s studies here online under the audio and video tabs. You can also place an order for studies in the Calvary office.
Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path. ~ Ps 119:105
10611 W. Clearwater
Kennewick, WA 99336
New to Calvary? Welcome! Jesus loves you!
At Calvary, we focus on a personal relationship with God through worship, prayer, and the teaching of the Word of God. We hope we can make you feel at home. Here are a few things to help you plan your first visit.
Equipping pastors and ministry leaders with God's Word and practical helps to "stir up love and good works" and support them in fulfilling our Lord's commission to make disciples of all the nations.
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