holiday studies

from oldest to most recent: christmas  12.23.09
christmas  12.04.05 christmas eve  12.24.09
christmas  12.14.08 seder dinner  03.31.10
christmas  12.21.08 easter sonrise  04.04.10
chistmas eve  12.24.08 easter  04.04.10
christmas  12.20.09 mother's day  05.09.10
independence day  07.04.10 christmas star  12.21.11
christmas  12.19.10 christmas eve  12.24.11
christmas eve  12.24.10 christmas day  12.25.11
easter sonrise  04.24.11 palm sunday  04.01.12
easter  04.24.11 easter sonrise  04.08.12
christmas  12.18.11 easter  04.08.12
thanksgiving  11.21.12 new year's  12.30.12
christmas  12.09.12 easter sonrise  03.31.13
christmas  12.16.12 easter  03.31.13
christmas star  12.19.12 thanksgiving  11.27.13
christmas  12.23.12 christmas  12.15.13
christmas eve  12.24.12 christmas  12.18.13
christmas (sun. morning)  12.22.13
christmas (sun. evening)  12.22.13
christmas eve  12.24.13
palm sunday 04.13.14
passover  04.16.14
easter sunrise 04.20.14
easter  04.20.14
thanksgiving  11.26.14
christmas 2014: "ruling from a stable" 12.14.14
christmas 2014: "christmas in revelation"  12.17.14
christmas 2014: "getting perfection from imperfection"  12.21.14
christmas 2014: "God reaching out to men"  12.21.14
christmas 2014: christmas eve service  12.24.14
new year's eve 2014 service  12.31.14
easter 2015: sonrise service  04.05.15
easter 2015: main service  04.05.15
christmas 2015:  "christmas distractions"  12.06.15
christmas 2015: "seed of the woman"  12.13.15
christmas 2015: "the christmas star"  12.16.15
christmas 2015: "pursuing the king"  12.20.15
christmas 2015: "the incarnation according to paul"  12.23.15
passion week 2016: john 18, "why the cross?"  03.23.16
easter 2016: sonrise service  03.27.16
easter 2016: "a skeptic looks at the resurrection"  03.27.16
christmas 2016: john 1, "the word became flesh"  12.18.16
christmas 2016: luke 2, "shepherds and lambs"  12.18.16
christmas 2016: matthew 2, "christmas distractions"  12.21.16
christmas 2016: matthew 1, "isaiah's christmas"  12.25.16
easter 2017: sonrise service  04.16.17
easter 2017: luke 24, "he is risen"  04.16.17
christmas 2017 revelation 12: "revelation christmas"  12.17.17
christmas 2017 matthew 2: "god came down"  12.24.17
easter 2018: sonrise service  04.01.18
easter 2018: matthew 28: "yolo. lol, jk. brb. -jesus"  04.01.18
luke 1 "the announcement"  12.16.18
luke 2 & romans 5 "thrill of hope"  12.19.18
john 1 "real genealogy of jesus"  12.23.18
matthew 21 "hosanna to the king"  04.14.19
easter 2019 1 corinthians 15 "he is not here he is risen"  04.21.19
mothers day: 2 timothy 1 "impact of a mom"  05.12.19
psalm 100 "enter into his gates with thanksgiving"  11.24.19 
matthew 1 "isaiah's christmas"  12.15.19
luke 2 "the old old story"  12.22.19
luke 2 "christmas colors"  12.20.20
revelation 12 "revelation christmas"  12.13.20
hosanna to the king "palm sunday"  03.28.21
john 20 "unexpected hope"  04.04.21
psalm 33 "the word of the lord"  07.04.21
"isaiah's christmas"  12.12.21
"the incarnation of jesus according to paul"  12.19.21
"the lineage of the messiah"  12.22.21
"christmas colors"  12.24.21
palm sunday  04.10.22
good friday  04.15.22
easter sunday  04.17.22
mothers day "impact of a mom"  05.08.22
matthew 1 "the lineage of the messiah"  12.11.22
"the star of bethlehem"  12.14.22
matthew 2 "christmas distractions"  12.18.22
matthew 21 "palm sunday"  04.02.23
john 19 "why jesus had to die"  04.07.23
john 20 "jesus and the skeptic"  04.09.23
revelation christmas  12.10.23
the word became flesh  12.17.23
matthew 2 "christmas confusion"  12.20.23
luke 2 "why jesus came"  12.24.23
good friday "the cross was no accident"  03.29.24
sunrise service 2024  03.31.24
easter luke 21 "breakfast with jesus"  03.31.24
matthew 1 "the lineage of the messiah"  12.08.24
isaiah 53 "isaiah's christmas"  12.15.24
matthew 2 "wise guys"  12.22.24